I am a strong advocate of Arts and Culture. I agree that there is a pressing need to place Arts and Culture as a top priority in our community.

The past 20 plus years have seen wonderful advancements and improvements locally in the areas of recreation, trails and open space as a result of intentional planning.

I support a major investment of time and resources from local governments, businesses, organizations, foundations, and individuals to secure the vitality and growth of Arts and Culture in Summit County.


Soy un fuerte defensor de las artes y la cultura.  Estoy de acuerdo en que existe una necesidad urgente de colocar las Artes y la Cultura como una prioridad en nuestra comunidad.   

Los últimos 20 años, han visto avances y mejoras maravillosas localmente en las áreas de recreación, senderos y espacios abiertos como resultado de una planificación intencional.   

Apoyo una gran inversión de tiempo y recursos de los gobiernos locales, empresas, organizaciones, fundaciones e individuos para asegurar la vitalidad y el crecimiento de las Artes y la Cultura en el Condado de Summit.


More Ways to Participate


PROJECT: ABC is an open community effort, and we want you to know what’s going on. Check out upcoming shows events, meetings, and other ways to get involved. Everything is open to the public and we’d love for you to join us. Interested in hosting one of our upcoming events? Let us know!


Your ideas about what is working now and what we need for the future are a critical part of this project. Tell us what you think by taking our survey.


Our Facebook page is a place for you to share and interact with stories about Arts and Culture in Summit County. We'd love to hear you story!